Home > Easter and Springtime

Offers for Easter and Springtime

Here are all the offers of the Hotel Kim Rimini's Bellariva for the period of Easter and the spring holiday weekends. Choose to visit Rimini with the beginning of the summer season, when the waterfront began to revive, the local to open and when to enjoy the beach is still free is a quality of few.

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They say about us

Great structure and fantastic owners

For the second consecutive year I stayed at the hotel Kim, very comfortable and recently renovated. The staff and the owners are available. Great value for money. I recommend it absolutely!


That's great!

Short but intense vacation the owners are very kind and attentive to their customers. Positive note for the waitresses. New and clean rooms. Good breakfast full of homemade cakes. I recommend it to anyone looking for a quiet place.



Congratulations to Gloria s Cristian and all the staff. For some years now I have been attending this hotel, you eat well very nice rooms and comfortable room cleaning ok . Recommended for your beach holiday!

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